

The "Secret Faerie C-Drama Rec Exchange" is an event from 5 – 31 December 2022 hosted by @womenincdrama for the c-drama community on twitter.Inspired by games like Secret Santa or Pollyanna, the event's main aim is to connect community members by turning into "Secret Faeries" and gifting another, randomly assigned participant a c-drama recommendation based on hints to the preferences of the recipient. For their efforts, each participant in turn receives a bespoke recommendation by another Secret Faerie.Given how @womenincdrama aims to celebrate c-drama women fictional and real, behind and in-front of the camera, the participants are of course encouraged to highlight in which ways their recommendations are reflective and contributing to a diverse representation of women's lived experiences on- and off-screen.Sign up to the event until 3 December 2022.


The person I was assigned to has watched too many dramas / I don’t know what to recommend anymore.We have additional questions in our sign-up form such as “Do you mind getting recs for other media forms (books, comics, music, variety shows)?” or “Do you mind getting recs for dramas from other industries / countries?” and leave the option open if someone wants to reveal their MDL account to further ease the process.Worst comes to worst, make it fun: predict which upcoming dramas they should watch, recommend a rewatch – for example for the winter season – or a new perspective (yours) on the drama, or, if you find a drama you both like, simply geek out about it!I haven’t watched a lot of c-dramas / I’m not sure I know enough to recommend something / The person I was assigned to and I have completely different watchlists.As previously said, there are additional questions that hopefully will help you find a fitting recommendation. You could also always ask the moderators of @womenincdrama if they know anything. But above all, what matters the most, and people will for sure appreciate, is that you put some thought into your recommendation. As cheesy as it sounds: as long as it comes from the heart, it’s a good gift!I don’t have much time.We will provide a simple template with some prompts that you are free to use (but don’t have to). Maybe they can be helpful to flesh out your recommendations and thoughts! If it gets really close to the deadline and you still don’t have anything tangible to share – please contact us; maybe we can help out, so that no one ends up disappointed!I don’t feel comfortable with the person assigned to me / I have them on my mute-/blocklist.If this is the case, please contact @womenincdrama immediately so we may switch the matches around or find an alternative solution. We want this event to be comfortable and safe for everyone!


On this site you can find:

  • Details on how the event works

  • Link to some simple templates

  • Tips for writing a recommendation



After signing up via Google Form, we will randomly match all participants. On 4-5 December 2022 (depending on time zones) we will reach out via DM to all participants and let them know who they are being a Secret Faerie for and the information the recipient has provided in the sign-up form.Afterwards the participants are free to research and create their own content as Secret Faeries. Recommendations can be given in form of Twitter threads, collages, visual graphics, videos, PowerPoint slides – whatever you want, really! However, we ask everyone to use the hashtag #WICSecretFaerie when posting their entry, so we may track the participations and retweet your amazing content. Posting can be done anytime between 5 - 31 December, during which, of course, you also get to sit back and wait for your Secret Faerie's drama recommendation for you. ;)If you have any questions or issues, please contact @womenincdrama via DM.



We are aware that not everyone has enough time to create an elaborate, fully researched entry. That's why we have created a few templates for you to use if you're short on time or suddenly feel uninspired. You can fill them with any image editing program. In this Google Drive folder you can find:

  • Two different blank templates

  • One template with general prompts

  • One template with more women-focused prompts

  • The font we used (in case you want it)

Feel free to mix and match, use only parts of or create your own bespoke pages!
